Monday, February 11, 2013

Social Media and your Business: A Perfect Glass Shoe to fit your Foot...

Inverted Thoughts - One point for all media solutions, provides an insight for the relationship between Business and  Social Media.

Business, of any kind would not be able to sustain unless it has been spoken about. It has to be presented in the simplest manner possible for everybody to understand. Social media enables just that for businesses. Different Social Media help display your products, and aid your audience in choosing your service.  Social Media works like a movie trailer…it give the audiences glimpses of the best parts of it, so they keep wanting more. Applications that enable sharing of pictures and videos of the product or service, right from its production to it being launched in the market, help people decide whether they need a particular service or not. If promoted well enough, and the necessary features are highlighted in a manner that grabs attention, audiences would genuinely want to know more. People believe what they see, and if they like what they see, they want it! If you are a business that has been in the market for more than 10 years, you know that even though times have changed, the basic aim of marketing, ‘to spread the word and covert’ stays just the same. Social Media just makes it easier to reach larger audiences now.

There is not a single industry that cannot be helped by Social Media sites. Every single one of them, F&B, Engineering, Medicine, Education, Music, movies etc can all be talked upon a common platform. Social media has turned into parents that spoiled the kids (consumers) with choice, but at the same time rested the freewill into the consumers’ hands. Journalism and advertising being commercialised the way they are now, hearing a review from a friend or a mutual friend helps you believe or trust the product more instead of a random person online who you don’t even know exists or has been employed by the company. The popularity of a certain business also need not be relied upon through different sources or common friends and colleagues; just the number of followers, or likes, or tweets, or comments helps people judge whether it is worth investing in. These parameters, in fact, decide whether you audience will even give your page a second glance.

The versatility of these sites provides people with the exact information they need- not too much nor too little. A successful business venture is never the grand total hard work of one single individual, ever – it involves the involvement of as many people as required. Social media sites help entrepreneurs and companies keep people in the loop, at most times, at a minimal cost. Businesses can thus grow extremely well when people see their opinion being counted. Besides this also encourages audiences to think in different ways too. Not only does this platform provide you the comfort of a one-on-one with potential customers, it in fact, opens a whole plethora of options for you to consider, with regards to changes and innovations in your products.

Original article you can read at

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